Health & Wellness

The Kingston Greenline increases access to nature, open space and recreational activities in Kingston. Trails and complete streets help people of all ages incorporate exercise into their daily routines by connecting them with places they want or need to go. Learn more about the health benefits of trails here.


The Kingston Greenline is an investment in our local economy. The Greenline network builds connections and increases access between residential and commercial districts. The Greenline is a great way to tour Kingston, and its many points of interest make it a unique attraction for visitors and tourists.


The Kingston Greenline weaves together areas of Kingston previously isolated by geographic and social barriers. Like parks and other neighborhood amenities, the Kingston Greenline improves quality of life and builds neighborhood resliency. The system has great potential to host community gatherings, events and programming.


The Kingston Greenline promotes and facilitates non-motorized transportation, reducing reliance on vehicles and fossil fuels. Green infrastructure and environmentally friendly design principles (e.g. bioswales, native & pollinator-friendly plantings) are incorporated into the design and construction of Greenline projects wherever possible. By bringing people closer to Kingston's natural assets, the Greenline builds a connection between people and the land, in turn fostering a deeper respect and understanding of our natural environment.