This section, called the Hudson River Brickyard Trail, passes through 520 acres of formerly industrial land, now known as Hudson Cliffs, which Scenic Hudson protected last year. With New York State DOS funding, the City of Kingston, the Town of Ulster, Scenic Hudson, and regional and local partners collaborated to identify a new trail alignment, obtain local planning approvals and advance the project into construction. The trail’s route was chosen to minimize impacts to natural resources, maximize views of the Hudson River, and access future recreational amenities.
All parking for the Hudson River Brickyard Trail is located at Kingston Point Beach. From the beach, pedestrians take a short wood-chipped path, which leads to North Street and through the Hutton Brickyard property onto the new Hudson River Brickyard Trail. Trail maps are posted at Kingston Point Beach and the pedestrian gate at Hutton Brickyards. Winter hours are posted from 7:00am-5:00pm. The pedestrian gates at the property are closed after 5:00pm through March 31, 2021. The trail is not maintained in the winter months but is open for recreation.
The remainder of the Hudson Cliffs property currently is closed to the public while Scenic Hudson continues to evaluate its natural and industrial features with a team of consultants led by the landscape architecture firm OLIN. In early 2021, the organization plans to host opportunities for community residents and stakeholders to help shape a vision for the future park. To learn more about the property, visit
The Empire State Trail is the largest multi-use trail in the nation. This network of trails will contain 750-miles of pathways for walking/hiking and bicycling along scenic vistas and through New York’s historic communities.
Updated 2/16/2021